Sunrise at Blind Channel Resort |
Today was a perfect day on the water. Five hours of bliss—sunshine, drone flying (twice), a nap, totally calm water, favorable current, no major boat problems...
We left Blind Channel at 8:30. First we had to transit Greene Point Rapids. Even though we were about an hour before slack, it was no big deal. The current gave us a nice boost and we made it through without drama.
Heading into Greene Point Rapids |
Then we meandered through Chancellor Channel towards Johnstone Strait. The forecast called for calm winds, and that's what we found. I napped as we entered Johnstone Strait. Besides the hum of the engine and the sound of the water slipping past the hull, I couldn't tell we were underway. Yes, Johnstone Strait was that calm...
Working our way through Chancellor Channel. Tough duty. |
After my nap, I flew the drone. Johnstone Strait is one of the more feared bodies of water in the PNW, but it's not really that mysterious. On days like today—days with no wind—Johnstone Strait is calm.
Northbound in Johnstone Strait. See, sometimes it's calm! |
Johnstone Strait—like the rapids, the Strait of Georgia, Queen Charlotte Sound, and Dixon Entrance—isn't something to be scared of. Respected, yes, but not scared. These are
potentially hazardous areas, but they're not always dangerous. Too many boaters exaggerate the challenges of dealing with these areas. With a reasonable weather eye and the confidence to proceed when the weather is right, none of these areas present a major challenge. Today, Johnstone Strait cooperated.
Heading into the Broughtons |
Once we arrived at Port Harvey, the group got busy. Crabbing, fishing, drone flying, yoga...
The fleet (and a few others) moored at Port Harvey |
We had an evening happy hour on the dock. In the past, there has been a store and restaurant here. Over the winter, the barge sunk, taking the store and restaurant with it. George and Gail Cambridge, the owners, have pledged to rebuild, but that won't be complete for another year or two. In the interim, we make the best of what we have. Judging by the smiling and laughing, we did pretty well!
Tomorrow we're heading to Pierre's Echo Bay.
37.98 nm today
230.84 nm total
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