Sunday, June 9, 2013

Day 5: Garden Bay to Toba Wildernest

What happened to the sun? After enjoying wonderfully sunny weather so far, I awoke this morning to gray skies and rain. Oh well, Desolation Sound is still beautiful when it’s gray.
Gray skies, calm water
Desolation Sound is a small area. Today I’ll be traveling across almost the whole area, from the southwest corner to the northwest corner. And it’s only about 20 miles. Given the short distances, I had no reason to leave first thing in the morning.

After breakfast I took a shower, filled the water tank on the boat, emptied the garbage, and grabbed a bag of ice. I left around 10:00 am, bound first for the nearly-new Homfray Lodge in Homfray Channel.

As I pulled into Homfray Lodge a group of about seven was walking down the dock. Most of them were visiting from a neighboring homestead, and quickly left. The Macey brothers (three of them) own Homfray Lodge, but Dave was the only one there when I arrived. He showed me around the property and the improvements have been swift and impressive. They have three large cabins and several smaller cabins available for rent, a beautiful lodge building, and decks for lounging. A hydro power plant, sewer system, and purified water system have been installed. By the end of the month a small store will be operating. Dave is enthusiastic and has obviously been working hard on the property, and it’s among the nicest lodges/marinas in Desolation Sound.
Homfray Lodge from the water
The inside of the lodge. The rest of the furniture will arrive this month.
After visiting Homfray Lodge I continued up beautiful Homfray Channel to Toba Wildernest. Two large Krogen yachts were already tied up, but there was still plenty of space for me. Kyle, the owner, gave me a tour of the facilities. He’s built many trails around his property, which I took advantage of. He also built new docks recently, which are much nicer than the previous docks. The best part of Toba Wildernest is the location, at the mouth of Toba Inlet. The views are breathtaking!
The docks at Toba Wildernest
A trail crosses this stream

29.1 nm today
192.1 nm total

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